Joseph Konczynski.

Technical Writing Samples.

Expertise includes:

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for power systems in large scale multi-level data centers and commercial buildings.

  • Sequence of Operations (SOOs) for failure scenarios in power systems with multiple and redundant power paths in large scale data centers and high rise commercial buildings in the NYC area.

  • Methods of Procedure (MOPs) for testing and maintaining power system equipment for high rise buildings and large scale data centers in the NY/NJ/DE area.



A paper written during a course on Brain-Computer Interfacing on exploring EEG-based BCI systems for diagnosing and treating ADHD using neurofeedback and serious games.

View Sample




A method to efficiently and effective change diet and eating behaviors at work.

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More to come.


As I develop more work samples which can be publicized, I will include them here.


I can speak to all of my processes in technical writing and will continue to develop this portfolio, however, most of my professional work was proprietary for high-level clients and kept confidential due to the nature and sensitivity of their work.